Tuesday, April 29, 2008


This blog is a combination confessional/rant/whatever else I want it to be. Let me begin with some statements you may or may not agree with.

#1- On last night's NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams referred to Miley Cyrus as "a major American star". She is not a star, certainly not a major one, but she is an American, so congrats Brian, you got one out of two (or is that three?) right!

#2- The dating scene in San Francisco is a freaking nightmare for anyone over 40 (which I am).

#3- Every "Star Trek" spinoff series pales in comparison to the original.

#4- Anyone dumb enough to vote for John McCain or Hilary Clinton for President deserves to be slapped silly.

And last but not least,

#5- Anyone who uses the phrase "so-and-so raped my childhood" needs to be beaten severely. The "R" word is something that should never, ever, be used in any non-serious context.

That is all.